We are pleased to inform you that your background status is “E-Qip Favorable”. This means that you have satisfied the initial background investigation requirements and, as long as the other requirements are met, you are eligible for deployment in the event of a disaster declaration. We encourage you to check the website regularly, at least once every 30 days, and verify that all of your contact information is correct. (NOTE: If you are an Independent Contractor Housing Inspector, you need to ensure that you are up to date on training, that you have read and acknowledged the revised Independent Contractor Agreement, the Non-Disclosure Agreement and your W-9 form. You should also review the Privacy Act information and make sure you have marked your availability.)
Should you receive any information from FEMA identifying any change to your status or requesting additional information, please let us know as soon as possible.
Management and Performance of Housing Inspection ServicesPartnership for Response and Recovery (PaRR Inspections) has been awarded a contract for the “Management and Performance of Housing Inspection Services in Disaster Areas Nationwide.”
The FEMA Disaster Housing Program provides grants for primary residents (owners and renters) whose houses have been damaged as a result of a disaster and who have inadequate or no insurance coverage. These grants are for alternate housing rentals and/or home repairs to restore the home to a safe, sanitary, and secure condition. The grants may include the reimbursement of temporary accommodations incurred as a result of the disaster.
Housing Inspection Services involve collecting and reporting required information from applicants whose houses have been damaged by disasters. A wide range of information is collected during the inspection, e.g., physical damage to the house, ownership, occupancy, insurance, personal property losses, recommendations on mitigation measures, photographs, and other essential information regarding disaster-related expenses and/or existing needs. FEMA then determines the type and amount of financial assistance the applicants are eligible for; based on the information that is collected and recorded on pen-based computers by PaRR Inspectors during physical home inspections.