Report Shows That Public Insurance Adjusters Increase Payments to Citizens Insurance Policyholders.

Jan 14, 2010 – The Florida Legislature’s Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) found that Citizens Property Insurance Corporation policyholders received much higher compensation on insurance claims when using public insurance adjusters. The report (No. 10-06), released yesterday, shows that consumers working with public adjusters received 747% higher compensation for claims filed […]

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The Miami Herald Study: Using Public Adjusters Pays Off

A new study by a state agency found that policyholders using a public adjuster to help them settle a claim with Citizens Property Insurance received higher settlements, an estimated $9,370 per claim versus $1,931 – 574% difference – than those working with only the company adjuster. MIami Herald, January 19, 2010 Page 3C

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