Do You Know What is NOT Covered in Your Insurance? You Might be Surprised!


In recent years, insurance carriers in Florida have added many exclusions to property

insurance policies, with little oversight or public debate. These exclusions are drafted

into policy leaving consumers with less coverage for the same (if not higher) premium.

Because many policyholders rarely read every word of their large and complex policies,

they may not even be aware of what is NOT covered. Since policyholders are unable to

negotiate policy language, they are left with a choice of accepting the changes,

purchasing new endorsements or seeking a different carrier.

Examples of common policy exclusions include:

Eliminating Your Rights to Appraisal

appraisal process to settle disputes between insurance companies and the insured over

amount of loss or value of damaged property. Many insurers are restricting or

eliminating this provision, which provides important consumer protections.

– For 200 years, policies have included the bindingGiving You a Sinking Feeling

unless the sinkholes are deemed “catastrophic,” usually meaning large and sudden. But

slowly occurring sinkholes can cause catastrophic damage to a home and its value.

Damage can run into the hundreds of thousands, often more than the value of the

home, leaving many homeowners with no other choice than to walk away from their


– Many policies no longer cover damage from sinkholesRequiring You to See Through Walls

often stemming from damage behind walls or under slabs that doesn’t become

noticeable for weeks or months. Citizens and other insurance companies now deny

claims for leakage occurring over more than 14 days, even if it is hidden from sight. In

fact, Citizens has just announced plans to further expand its water exclusion.

– Most insurance claims deal with water damage,Eliminating Coverage for Mold

Though it is recommended that water be removed and damaged areas dried within 48

– Where there is water damage mold often forms.72 hours, company insurance adjusters often are unable to visit the home within that

time. No matter the reason, if mold forms, most companies will no longer cover the

cost of its removal.

Leaving Screened Structures Uncovered

to be covered under most homeowner insurance policies. Many carriers have now

added exclusions that remove screened structures from coverage.

– Popular in Florida, screened enclosures usedRe

condo (such as floor damage from a falling light fixture or fan) is covered. Citizens’ new

condo policy, however, only covers such damage if the falling objects come down from

the sky through your roof or walls. Great coverage for meteorites, but little else.

Defining “Falling Objects” – Typically, damage from falling objects in a home or

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